Post/Redirect/Get (PRG) is a common design pattern for web applications, to help avoid duplicate form submissions and allow web applications to behave more intuitively with browser bookmarks and the reload button. After a web user submits a form to a server, the server typically generates an HTML page as a response. To the user, this looks like an ordinary web page, but because it was generated by an HTTP POST request, it cannot be bookmarked, and attempting to reload/refresh the page in the browser could cause the form information to be resubmitted, possibly with unexpected results (such as a duplicate purchase). Wikipedia
To avoid this problem, many web applications use the PRG pattern — instead of returning an HTML page directly, the POST operation returns a redirection command (using the HTTP 303 response code (sometimes 302) together with the HTTP "Location" response header), instructing the browser to load a different page using an HTTP GET request. The result page can then safely be bookmarked or reloaded without unexpected side effects. Wikipedia
When a post is made to a Skyway Operation, the View is configured to send a redirect command to the browser to a second URL, using the URL mapping's redirect option. The redirect results in a second request (get) being automatically made by the end-user's browser to another URL. The second URL is mapped to an operation for loading the model data before being directed to a JSP page for rendering the view. The redirect results in the second URL being listed in the browser's address bar. If the end-user refreshes the page, the original data won't be resubmitted because only the second URL will be reloaded. If the second URL is configured with an Operation that loads data, a bookmarked page can be reconstituted.
The following fragment shows two URL mappings working in tandem to implement the PRG pattern.
Example 2.7. URL Mapping - Post/Redirect/Get (PRG)
---------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------
--> SaveOperation
--> edit.html (w/ REDIRECT)
--> LoadOperation
--> edit.jsp
When data is posted to the server, the form is
configured to post to the
/MyController/SaveOperation.action URL. | |
The URL mapping for
/MyController/SaveOperation.action is configured to
invoke SaveOperation, which presumably processes
the user input. | |
Rather than emitting the view directly using a JSP, the
View is configured to redirect to a second
URL, specified as edit.html . | |
The edit.html URL has it's own URL mapping
entry (get). | |
The URL mapping for /edit.html is
configured to invoke LoadOperation to load
data. | |
The view for edit.html is rendered using
the configured JSP page (edit.jsp ) |
As far as the end-user is concerned, they submitted data to the application and they received a response, and they are generally unaware that two http requests were used to accomplish it.